Friday, April 30, 2010


freedom earned
when grounded in principles

act on your will and knowledge
weave with responsibility

grow a confident posture
knowing your actions
are rooted in
deep reflection and meaning

a state of being

Thursday, April 29, 2010


the tangible reminder
each of us is unique

opinions, beliefs and experiences
actions, communications and interpretations
live in the context of
our own perspective fingerprints

perspective may not leave marks on the glass
but the imprint is always there

Wednesday, April 28, 2010



enthusiastic, warm
and personal

a touch, a squeeze
a substantial hug



Tuesday, April 27, 2010


rhythmic, hypnotic
while I run
early in the morning

shallow, fluttery
when challenged
and then
deep, calm, conscious control

as I lay by the girls
falling asleep

an awareness of breath

Monday, April 26, 2010


Have you ever used a map
and still gotten lost?

The landscape changes
the map no longer guides the way.

I'm learning to use
a compass.

What direction are
you going?

What pulls you
this way?

Look for the gem.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010


at the memorial...

images of her smile
wait, not just a smile
but rather
a joyous spirit

smiles can be fake and posed
hers was something different
something seen in the eyes
as well as the smile
and felt in the heart

has a glow
feels sincere
is contagious
and develops passion

Friday, April 23, 2010


In the study of physics,
attraction is an electromagnetic force
drawing things together.

My thoughts and words
create a current that attracts
certain circumstances
into my life.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


How do I add value?

a positive presence
a question posed
validation to a friend

a sense of humor
a reflective stance
creativity with my daughters

a willingness to learn
a mindful approach
listening with intent

a global perspective
a celebratory voice
acceptance of imperfections

and you?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


There's a break in the storm,
an opening in the clouds.
I look up to appreciate the light

It's a dramatic juxtaposition;
this blustery storm and
moments of light.

The sun is not ubiquitous today
but funneled and direct
helping me to discover
other openings
in my heart and mind.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There's the mental or physical kind.
Braid together
prolonged effort, positive attitude, active focus.
What emerges?

When you're around it you know.
People who develop mental and physical stamina
exude a magnetic energy.

Monday, April 19, 2010


It takes agitation to make a pearl.
The washer agitates to clean.
You've got to shake the lemonade.

The process feels abrasive, uncomfortable, restless.
I'm sure my eyebrows furrowed.
But, maybe, all that agitation I felt today,
will lead me to discover a gem.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


It's an opening, a world of possibilities,
and you have to step toward it and through it.
Move from the comfortable and the familiar
to a place where you feel
just a bit of dissonance
and you will grow.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


With a slight twist, an expanded array is revealed.
Something familiar becomes fresh.
Something murky becomes clear.
Something discouraging becomes promising.
Something irritating becomes softened.
Something overwhelming becomes possible.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Food Inc.
"life before" and "life after"

life before

emphasis on convenience
lack of knowledge
social pressures

life after

organic, sustainable farming,
fresh food, minimally processed
backyard garden and compost
preparing, cooking, and eating
savory moments

buy mindfully
eat better
feel great
do good

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I love the way the word, serendipity, feels. My voice rises on the "dip." I wonder, should it drop as the syllable implies?

I love the meaning of the word, serendipity; the ability of making accidental but fortuitous discoveries, especially while looking for something entirely unrelated.