Thursday, December 9, 2010


negotiating ideas
synthesizing the gist
applying learning to new situations

working with others brings out the best in you

1 comment:

  1. I love collaboration! It touches at least 5 of the 6 basic human needs as per Tony Robbins...

    1. Certainty
    This is the need for security, comfort and consistency

    2. Uncertainty
    This is need for variety, challenges,

    3. Significance
    The need to feel important, needed, wanted and worthy of love

    4. Love and Connection
    The need for feeling connected with and loved by other human beings.

    5. Growth
    The need for constant development emotionally, intellectually and spiritually

    6. Contribution
    Giving beyond ourselves and giving to others.

    Thanks Liz for sharing the word of the day! I have enjoyed reading them.
    Wendy xo
